Monday, September 21, 2015


Juste Picasso NDUWAYO
 Goodbye my 30 years old…
In the life of the universe, 30 years passes quickly like a lightning but for a human, like me it is a long period to have done something great to me or to the humanity. Turning 30 years old is a big deal for some and just another birthday for others and lot of this depends on what you have accomplished and what you have not by this point of your life. I recognize the significance of what 30 years old means to me; it marks a beginning of mature adulthood and retrospection of my past and good vision of the future.
Being 30 years old has many interpretations by different people. Some people admitted they feel old and some said they feel young. Some people are married or have kids, some do not. Some people say they are happy with where they are in life, and other are searching for more.
Many persons have done something great in the world history, when they were 30 years old in many careers like in religion, music, sport, art, science, war, politics, technology, medicine, philosophy, etc. Let me take examples in the Bible. Jesus himself, when he began to teach, was 30 years old (Luke3:23), also John Baptiste started preaching at the age of 30 years old, and Ezekiel started to prophesize at his 30 years old ( Ezek1:1), David was 30 years old when he started his reign on Israel. 30 years old was the age that Joseph was when he went out from jail to govern Egypt.
I am cerebrating my 30th birthday, a birthday which is significant and meaningful to me. This period has been marked by school education from primary school to the university, internship, training and learning new jobs. Also it was marked by experience in front of challenges and opportunities in life. Also I have grown up in a generation raised in a shadow of ethnic group conflicts and different crises due to fragile political stability which affected me as so many citizens during that period. I am cerebrating my birthday while our country is in economic, social and political turmoil. We hope for a better future. People who inspire me are Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., Louis RWAGASORE, Melchior NDADAYE, etc.
During that period I got time to know my society. I have lived and met with different persons like young, and old people, peasants and leaders, intellectuals and illiterates, intelligent and stupid persons, employed and unemployed people, rich and poor people, singles and married, lazy and hardworking people, town dwellers and countryside people, ladies and gentlemen, friends and enemies, rebels and soldiers, Burundians and foreigners, Blacks and Whites, kind and nasty people, trust and unmanageable persons, Believers and non-believers, etc. All these categories of persons have made me the person I am today.
In the years to come, once the destiny permits it, I hope to have the audacity to think differently from the old prejudices like differences in religion, political parties, areas, ethnic groups, social classes etc. that have crippled my lovely community. Hope to strengthen my faith so that when I do bad I would feel bad and when I do good I would feel good. I hope to have my voice, my works and my contribution to be heard not only in my community but also in the world. I hope to see my community changing from the poorest country to the developing country. “Yes we can”. Obama said.
Brief, I should have done some great in my first finished mandate, but hope to improve in the future. Since my birthday until now, so many people have built my personality. I would like to thank not only those who opened my opportunities but also those who challenged me because by challenging me they strengthened my manhood. And Benjamin franklin said: “At twenty years of age the will reigns, at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment”. My ambition is to keep the promise of my parents and go beyond what they achieved. God bless us.

                                                                                             Juste Picasso NDUWAYO

1 comment:

  1. Je veux te voir vieillir à mes côtés,et moi vieillir aux tiens. Ensemble on y arrivera😘👌
