Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Ineffectiveness of Burundi's Diaspora in National Development

 The Ineffectiveness of Burundi's Diaspora in National Development

 Burundi's diaspora, possessing foreign capital, expertise, and networks, is supposed to play an important role in the country's development. However, their impact falls short of expectations. To understand this phenomenon, we must examine the circumstances surrounding their departure.

 Notice: I love to see many Burundians traveling abroad to acquire new experience to think out of the box. Even though there are some exceptions, allow me to generalize for the first time by saying “many”, “some”, or “the diaspora”, because I don't have numbers and references for now.

 Many Burundians fled due to wars and ideological persecution, leaving with feelings of hatred and a refugee mentality. This mindset hinders their ability to engage in peace and reconciliation, often leading to extremism. The diaspora's inclination to spread hatred and division among those who remained in Burundi is detrimental to national progress. It discourages the young people with hope and passion to change the country. 

While diaspora remittances are a temporary solution, they are not a sustainable development strategy if they stay with their characters. The diaspora lacks entrepreneurial drive, passion, and a long-term vision for change Burundi. Some they want to change political status quo but they don't want to change and update their mentality towards unity and reconciliation of Burundi. 

They fail to share innovative knowledge and stories of their lives with younger generations or invest in Burundian businesses. Unity among the diaspora is also a challenge, with divisions based on departure dates and reasons for leaving. Those who fled due to political persecution often struggle with mental health issues based on the last and bad memories before they left Burundi, perpetuating harmful ideologies. 

Solutions include: 

- Refraining from passing on harmful ideologies to the next generation especially your innocent kids.

 - Investing in Burundian innovators, entrepreneurs and businesses. That is the hope for Burundi 

- Avoiding the use of social media to spread division and negativity among young people.

 - Embracing a hopeful and passionate approach to development, like the countries they now call home.

Brief, Burundi diaspora has much potential and opportunities to contribute to the development of their root, Burundi, but they must leave the past and differences as creating a hope among young people. 

Wtten by Juste Picasso 

Mr. Juste Picasso Nduwayo is a Burundian entrepreneur and YALI alumni, Nairobi RLC. He has a degree in social sciences in the English Language and Literature at the University of Burundi, with ten years' experience in coffee. Mr. Nduwayo has experience in coffee farming, processing and exporting companies. It is his goal to develop both financially self-sufficient companies which will contribute to the quality of life for the coffee Farmers & communities especially young people. His hobby is reading books and writing on his personal blog. He advocates for an inclusive society. He likes adventures and agribusiness. Apart from coffee, he is being interested in Horticulture.   

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