Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Burundi 2025 vision

2025, Burundi’s problems will soon find solutions:A dream by Juste Picasso Nduwayo

Juste Picasso NDUWAYO

Every person observes a series of images, events and feelings that happen in his/her mind when he/she is asleep. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of the dreams and act at the same time. Out of every crisis comes the hope to be reborn, to conceive ourselves as individuals, to think about the kind of change that will help us to grow and fulfill ourselves more completely. The situation that the Burundi is facing today is that of great economic depression, poverty, leadership failure in the country, corruption, injustice, Laziness, hatred, Nepotism, embezzlement but together we will achieve more. How, why, when, by who, this is what this writing is about.
To start with, let me talk to you about BURUNDI, my lovely mother land. Burundi is a small very poor country which is located in the heart of Africa. Geographically speaking, it is a landlocked country between Rwanda (north), D.R.C (west) and Tanzania (East) with a total area of 27.830km2. The climate is temperate, warm, and occasionally frost in uplands and the terrain is mostly rolling to hilly highland with some plains. It is among the Great Lakes countries and it belongs to East Africa community.  Its capital is BUJUMBURA and it has 17 provinces with 129 communes. In addition, Burundi has many resources, enough water, and good atmosphere, enough man power and other much potential for the development.
I have a dream that, after twelve years later, all the above cited problems will find solution. Today we are observing economic depression in many countries, which affect the lives of Burundian people. I hope that things will grow better. We have observed leadership failure in many African countries. Nowadays, Burundian leaders are accused of demagogy, corruption, and political victimization. I have a dream that after twelve years later, good leadership will find a way. Leaders will no longer make justice the engine of their will. The meanest thing that we see in the whole Africa is that kind of leadership failure that we hope, after twelve years later will be over. I hope that, after twelve years later, African leaders will be featured by frankness, explicitness, love, practical democracy, true prayer, Ubuntu, to name few by a necessary and courageous approach to realities formerly kept under diplomatic wraps and covered by political conveniences.
I have a dream that, after ten years later, people will know their principal mission to know the truth from their leaders and to face reality, that leaders’ actions will be properly guided in the maintenance of peace and of security of peoples. I do not fear for the future of people but rather for the future of those who will not understand it and accept its dictates. ‘’This world is a dangerous place not because of those who are doing evil but because of good ones who look on and do nothing’’ Albert Einstein said.
I have a dream that people will know that the idea of force in Burundi will be out of date and negative. I am hopeful that people will stand up for hard working philosophy and fight for their rights. This will depend on equal responsibilities of people. Students should be taught from primary school to university a no violence spirit, a behavior which would affect even our future leaders.
I also have a dream that, after twelve years later, war will be over, that Burundi will be a peaceful place and people will no longer be anxious and fearful of damaging attacks like that of 1965,1972, 1988, 1993 to name few which made our country having a fragile political stability. Many citizens were forcibly fled their lovely country, a situation which caused a current land problem among Burundians. A Burundian should be that person who forgets about the ancient prejudices of division on ethnic groups, region, political parties etc. sew by  our German and Belgian colonizers. To be called a Hutu, a Tutsi, a Twa, a Ganwa should not be a problem, A dream of Burundi of equal people will become a reality in Mixed blood, I mean when there would be many  marriages between Hutu and Tutsi and vice versa. So that after a certain time Burundi would be inhabitant by one ethnic group, Hutsi and foreigners.
Consequently, Burundi would be a country where Character and not political party, ethnic group, region, sex or origin, would determine a person’s status.In short, my dream on Burundi 2025 is that all the above mentioned problems will soon find solutions and Burundi will still belong to those who are optimistic and who believe in the beauty of the dream. After twelve years, we will look back and say that we have made progress but those who are pessimistic will never experience the beauty of the dream. The strong pillar to sustain this dream is the Youth. ‘’Tell me the youth you have I will tell you the people you be.’’ Young Burundians are the potential leaders, heads of families, strong pastors, Priests, Consultants, Doctors, engineers, Professors, experts etc. who will be playing a big role in our lovely country, Burundi.


  1. Thanks for the article brother, I hope that your dream is many Burundians dream. However,there is a sentence I read on Facebook which goes down like this, '' In the morning you have two choices: either to wake up and turn your dreams into reality or you stay into bed to dream more''. I am sure you are already awake since you just published this article and me also because I put this comment. It may happen that there are others still sleeping. One day they will wake up!

  2. This is a voice of support and encouragement Picasso. Keep moving forward and thinking big, the sky is gonna be the limit!

  3. Burundians have been undergoing turmoils many years ago and it is what is taking place even today. What matters more is not only how we behave during such times, but also which lessons we get from there. What has the past taught Burundians and what is the present teaching them? When will they have their eyes open,know the truth and get rid of corrupt leaders and fissures of the past and move forward?The argument goes on and we have to deal with facts and not hypotheses.The good ones have to get together,make much more noise than evil doers with their freedom and development voices. For much more effectiveness, this will have to involve young boys and girls of this country, i.e. future actors. We are most of the time dreaming of good things. It is about time we made our dreams become reality as somebody said that if you can dream it, you can do it! Picasso, keep dreaming and thinking big and remember to network with good and committed people! you will make it. For sure!

  4. Congratulations my dear JUSTE PICASSO for this article about your dream.It is true that our mother country will get peace.Let us be optimists and have hope.Hatred,jealousy,hypocrisy and selfishness will not build but true love.We are all brothers and sisters,descendants of one Father Adam and one mother Eve.we should strive to love and assist each other .In the same conjunction I came up of an idea of creating a FOUNDATION known as THE BURUNDIAN CHILD AGAPE FOUNDATION-BCAF and its e-mail is welcome your suggestions and comments.

    Your former teacher,INNOCENT HANKANIMANA.
