Saturday, August 3, 2024

Lack of Creativity and Invention in Burundi's Youth: A Societal Concern

 Lack of Creativity and Invention in Burundi's Youth: A Societal Concern

        Burundi, a country rich in resources and potential, is facing a crisis that threatens to hinder its progress: the lack of creativity and innovation among its youth. Our ancestors have ignorantly created a society where parents restrict their children's ability to develop their full potential. This was worsened by the poor education system where team are considered as paid labor to teach how to read and write and memorize notes only without focusing on addressing problems that are being faced by our society.

         If as per now Burundi is facing shortage of foreign currencies, our education system should be changed to focus much on how to address the issues not only teaching how to give back the memorized notes. Growing up, we were discouraged from engaging in discussions about societal problems with our parents. Parents were seeing to be always right, which is not the case. The fact of having a poor country that explains their failure.

         This lack of dialogue has resulted in a generation of adults who struggle to find solutions to Burundi's challenges. Parents often prevent children from acquiring new skills, hindering their ability to think critically and innovate. Kids are not allowed to be curious. Don't agreeing with a parent is always seen as undisciplined behavior. 

        Children are born with innate intelligence, but our society is failing to nurture it. Instead, we're raising a generation of adults who are unable to capitalize on Burundi's opportunities. We import most of our necessities, from clothing to technology, despite having the resources to produce them ourselves. 

To break this cycle, I urge parents to adopt a new approach:

  •  Allow our children to make mistakes and learn from them. 
  • Engage in meaningful discussions with your kids, exploring solutions and potential opportunities for Burundi.
  •  Encourage and guide your children's decisions, rather than dismissing or discouraging them. 
  • Spend quality time with your kids, fostering a culture of innovation and creativity, rather than spending your time in bars discussing politics you don't even understand and can't change and fake news your reading on social media.

 As parents you can't change the Society if you have failed to give a chance to your innocent and intelligent kids his ability to change the society. By doing so, we can unlock the full potential of Burundi's youth and empower them to drive positive change in our country.

 Just Picasso Nduwayo

Written by Juste Picasso 

Mr. Juste Picasso Nduwayo is a Burundian entrepreneur and YALI alumni, Nairobi RLC. He has a degree in social sciences in the English Language and Literature at the University of Burundi, with ten years' experience in coffee. Mr. Nduwayo has experience in coffee farming, processing and exporting companies. It is his goal to develop both financially self-sufficient companies which will contribute to the quality of life for the coffee Farmers & communities especially young people. His hobby is reading books and writing on his personal blog. He advocates for an inclusive society. He likes adventures and agribusiness. Apart from coffee, he is being interested in Horticulture.   

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