Sunday, March 19, 2023

Just Picasso Nduwayo Coffee background, Hope, Love and Processes, Uganda 2022

 Juste Picasso Nduwayo Uganda Coffee background, Hope, Love and Processes

Bulambuli and Bukalasi coffee Microlots were processed by Juste Picasso Nduwayo from Burundi who is running a washing station  station for production of Darley Investments specialty coffee in Uganda. He has been working for 9    years in coffee business and six  years into Uganda coffee business and process.

He brought new way of  processing coffee into Fully washed by making 24 hour double fermentation and Natural coffee by   making a yeast fermentation which increases the quality of Uganda coffee.

The varietal is mainly SL14 and 28 with some Nyasaland trees remaining from old days. The coffee is  collected from Mukoto to Bulambuli via Bukalasi at the slopes of Mount Elgon Mountain at the elevation of 1600-2200 MASL.

Juste Picasso, a graduate of the university of Burundi in 2012, entered coffee business in 2014. He started as a washing station Manager then promoted to Quality control manager back to Burundi then came  to run a washing station in Uganda as Managing Director of Manafwa Specialty Seeds, Ltd. He believes in the positive role coffee  business plays in the coffee farming community. “If you see how many farmers get paid because of  coffee and send their kids to school and pay health bills, as well as do different projects, this touches  me much. It's more than coffee beans, it's part of the life”.

Just Picasso responsibilities if to make sure the coffee cherries received if ripe and floated and  ensure the quality coffee is processed according to the standard from pulping to drying by  fermentation. Coffee bean processing is a very delicate business and requires supervision. Tea  includes floating coffee cherries in water and pulping, fermentation and drying. The coffee is  dried at below 12% of moisture content. All these steps take place at a so called washing station.

Just Picasso loves coffee as it is the only beverage which is more than a drink or money. It is one of  the commodities worldwide that connects countries and billions of people as it impacts farmers, producers, buyers and consumers.

He envisions a future were the quality of life for coffee farmers is significantly improved and  communities in eastern Uganda where a coffee farmer can earn a good living through coffee projects by connecting farmers especially those in cooperative and associations to Buyers.

Apart from being a coffee guy, he is a blogger on different magazines and on his personal blog

By Just Picasso Nduwayo