Saturday, October 24, 2015



In his brief time on the national stage, Prince Louis Rwagasore, a hero of Independence in Burundi can be compared to a host of African big apples including Nelson MANDELA, Thomas SANKARA, Muhamar  Khaddafi, Julius NYERERE, Jomo KENYATTA to name few for the liberation of the oppressed people , but the most apt comparison is one of the greatest hero of Democracy in Burundi,  Melchior Ndadaye. Among Burundians, there are many known and unknown personalities who have contributed in Burundian progress but Rwagasore and Ndadaye came as good persons for a change which we keep in memory.
The present essay is let to establish opportunities, challenges and lives that the two heroes, Rwagasore and Ndadaye had undergone during their period. This study is also set to examine coincidences and incidences which unify the destinies of the two national heroes that Burundi had known. The resemblances in the two heroes can be explored through four angles: Their childhood, emerging leadership, political life, and deaths.
To start with, as far as their childhood is concerned, both Rwagasore and Ndadaye are first sons in their families. Rwagasore was born in January 10th, 1934 he was a first son of his family and Ndadaye was born March 28th, 1953. Both of them were Christians from Roman Catholic Church. Both of them started their primary school when they were 7 years old.
Second, their emerging leadership resembled on how they were educated and jailed. Both they Studied in Rwanda at Groupe Scolaire of Butare and then in Europe. This shows that Rwanda and Europe have been countries which helped in education of the most of the emerging leaders who changed our country. Also, both were jailed in October because of their ideologies and released in December of the same year, before being chosen by their political parties. Apart from that they have created political parties which brought changes in Burundi, Rwagasore and Ndadaye respectively brought independence and Democracy.
Third, their political life was almost the same. Both of them were revolutionary civil politicians and they were talking about changes and Democracy in their speeches. “Great minds think alike”. Many people loved their ideologies, an action which led them to win elections. In their brief time on the national stage, they had started huge projects to build our country and bring hope among the oppressed citizens of that time. Both had an ideology of cooperatives as pillar for a sustainable development of all the peasants. Both dreamed of a Burundi where character, not origin, political party, ethnicity, area, family, class, etc. should determine a person’s status.
Finally, for both their courage to change has been a cause to death. Rwagasore and Ndadaye governed a short period. Their assassination was organized by some people from the opposition who lost elections and who were not happy of the change. People around informed them about the preparations of their assassination but they took that information for granted. Both were killed in the same place and month respectively Bujumbura and in October. Their speeches become a legacy to the following generations.
In conclusion, the socio-political situation in the colonial period and in 1990s in Burundi was so embarrassing that it needed a change.  To achieve an effective change in such a situation, the society needed leaders who were different from the political elite of that time. These two heroes I mean RWAGASORE and NDADAYE, to succeed to their tasks, they had been intellectuals who were committed to revolution and change. They had been eyes and voices of such an oppressed society. They had been leaders who were truthful in their actions and speeches. They had been leaders who were not looking for their own interest. They had been able to save a mass of Burundians from a bad situation.

                                                                        By: Juste Picasso NDUWAYO